Contactez L'étape Bois pour vos projets

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Nous nous engageons à vous répondre sous 48h.

A black and white image of a person working intently in a workshop. The individual is sanding a piece of wood on a workbench surrounded by tools. The setting appears to be a woodworking shop with various materials and equipment visible in the background.
A black and white image of a person working intently in a workshop. The individual is sanding a piece of wood on a workbench surrounded by tools. The setting appears to be a woodworking shop with various materials and equipment visible in the background.


Nous sommes basés à proximité et prêts à vous accompagner dans vos projets en bois sur mesure.


108 rue Barthélémy Thimonnier - Brignais


Lun - Ven : 8h - 19h